Schoharie County
Schoharie County


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The Schoharie County Web Site is maintained by the Information Technology Department.
The information provided on this site is provided to us from various County Agencies along with Town and Village Offices.

This site has been successfully tested using:
Internet Explorer 5,7,9,10 and 11
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
However, it is recommended that you use: Internet Explorer 8 and higher, or the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
Firefox users: a default Firefox setting may be causing the PDF files retrieved to appear blank.

Most of the announcements and reports provided on this site are uploaded in PDF format.
You may click on this symbol to be taken to the Adobe site for the latest reader:
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If you do have Adobe Reader and still experience issues, you can click here for the Adobe Troubleshooting page:
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We do not provide technical assistance to the general public.
However, if you notice incorrect information posted on the web site, you can send a message to the Webmaster using the following icon:
Email Webmaster