Schoharie County Employee Resources
County Forms and Employee Information
Please Log In to access the following
Resource Links
Agency Profile and Organization Charts
Board Meeting Live Stream
Board Meeting Archived Videos
Board Minutes
Board of Supervisors Calendar
County Budget
County Phone Directory
County Public Web Site
Emergency Announcements
Exam Announcements and Job Openings
Facebook Page for Schoharie Co
Google Search Tool
Holiday Schedules
Mapping Viewer
MS365 Portal
New York State
New York State Association of Counties
New York State Phone Directory
O.E.S. Daily Situation Report
OGS State Contracts
Real Property Search
Schopeg Access, Inc.
Standing Committees
County Forms
For employee convenience we are placing non-sensitive forms here.
Forms that should not be available to the general public require your log in to access them using the County Forms button to the left.
Contract Cover Sheet
Inventory Change Form
Equipment Agreement
Third Party Network Access Agreement
Mail room Policies and Procedures
DPW Contract Worksheet
Employee Incident/Accident/Complaint form
Acceptable use agreement for Contractors
Business Associates Agreement
Employee/Department Specific Programs
Please Note these links are user dependant. Not all employees will have access to all programs.
County Documents
E-911 Address Lookup System
Government Applications Login V2.0
O.E.S. Disaster LAN
Request Leave Time (Only for Depts using Co System)
Current O.E.S. Activation Status
-Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability Notice- You are accessing a Schoharie County Government information system. This information system, including all related equipment, networks, and network devices, is provided for Schoharie County Government-authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is prohibited, and may result in civil and criminal penalties, or administrative disciplinary action. The communications and data stored or transiting this system may be, for any lawful Government purpose, monitored, recorded, and subject to audit or investigation. By using this system, you understand and consent to such terms.